Pillow Puzzles

 The decorative pillows for the sofa have been quite a puzzle. When the sofa was first delivered it looked like this:

Sofa with the too dark lumbar pillow; personal collection

The lumbar pillow was too dark and the Baker Furniture occasional tables overwhelmed the sofa. On to attempt number two:

Three throw pillow option; personal collection

Okay, kind of boring as there isn't much contrast between the pillows. The small occasional table on the left is too yellow.

Five pillow option; personal collection

Still not enough contrast and it looks a bit crowded with the extra long lumbar pillow (originally made for the bench), but the David Francis Mahogany Swirl end tables look great!

Final option; personal collection

Darker large pillows and and paisley fabric for a small lumbar pillow that picks up the color of the sofa and the darker blue.


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